Irssi horizontal nicklist

nicklisthoriz : an irssi perl script (plugin)

Some ideas/code from Wouter Coekaerts nicklist plugin.

Displays nicklist of current window in an irssi window named “nicklist”.

Howto ?

  • first create a window in a split view:
/window new split
  • name it “nicklist”:
/window name nicklist
  • You can also resize, stick it:
  /window size 5
  /window stick
  • load this plugin:
  /script load nicklisthoriz
  • and then you are…


  /nicklist update
  (if you wish to force refreshment)

Here is the script.


  • 0.1 cvs1.8 Initial release
contribs/irssi-nicklisthoriz.txt · Dernière modification : 2008/03/30 20:36 de cbellot