remotegrowl : an irssi perl script (plugin)
It sends notifications (queries/hilights) to a remote growl host. It can be a predifined host are also be the one you are connecting from and attaching to the irssi screen.
Growl is a powerfull notification system for MacOSX.
First of all you have to have growl installed and have to enable remote growl notifications: see system preferences, growl, network and check “incoming notifications”, “allow register of remote applications” and set a password.
Notifications are sent to the defaults host. See:
remotegrowl_server remotegrowl_port remotegrowl_password remotegrowl_timeout remotegrowl_private_blacklist
Set theses values according to the settings defined before.
If you choose to report notification to the host you use to connect to your irssi host using screen, you should set remotegrowl_screenspy = 1 and launch a screen with a name like this :
screen -S irc1
then launch irssi in this screen and set remotegrowl_screenname to 'irc1' the remotegrowl plugin will then :
Blacklist private messages nicks can be added to remotegrowl_private_blacklist like :
/set remotegrowl_private_blacklist jdoe /set remotegrowl_private_blacklist jdoe|nagios|twitter
You can check the current server used for notifications with :
remotegrowl is ipv6 ready :-p
Here is the script.