Check_MK is a really nice UI for Nagios and brings lot of improvements to pollers (livecheck, checkmk agents…), but it is written to run on Linux and has not been ported to other Unices.
Whenever you only need a basic setup, you should consider OMD. If you have to get it running on FreeBSD, a very few things to do are required :
You need to have a running nagios like server, able to exec brokers (nagios from the pkg is not able to, icinga is)
pkg install icinga
Python module for apache :
pkg install ap22-mod_python
Download tar.gz from
tar xvzf check_mk-1.2.4.tar.gz cd check_mk-1.2.4
launch installer with bash (not ./, as bash path is incorrect)
Choose your own settings. Here are mine :
Executable programs /app/bin Check_MK configuration /usr/local/etc/check_mk Check_MK software /app/dist/check_mk/share documentation /app/dist/check_mk/doc check manuals /app/dist/check_mk/doc/checks working directory of check_mk /app/dist/check_mk/lib extensions for agents /app/dist/check_mk_agent/lib configuration dir for agents /usr/local/etc/check_mk Name of Nagios user icinga User of Apache process www Common group of Nagios+Apache icinga Nagios binary /usr/local/bin/icinga Nagios main configuration file /usr/local/etc/icinga/icinga.cfg Nagios object directory /usr/local/etc/icinga/objects/ Nagios startskript /usr/local/etc/rc.d/icinga Nagios command pipe /var/spool/icinga/rw/icinga.cmd Check results directory /var/spool/icinga/checkresults Nagios status file /var/spool/icinga/status.dat Path to check_icmp /home/cbellot/devels/check_mk/check_mk-1.2.4/z URL Prefix for Web addons / Apache config dir /usr/local/etc/apache22/Includes/ HTTP authentication file /usr/local/etc/apache22/htpasswd.users HTTP AuthName Private Access PNP4Nagios templates /app/dist/check_mk/pnp-templates RRD files /var/spool/icinga/pnp/rrd rrdcached socket /tmp/rrdcached.sock compile livestatus module no Install Event Console no
Do not choose livestatus : it does not compile through this installer. See later for its install.
Check_mk is now installed, but a few things need to be changed :
I have a patch file that can be applied on the installed check_mk directory.
Fix: /app/bin/check_mk has to be corrected too :
#!/bin/sh exec env python /app/dist/check_mk/share/modules/ "$@"
I also had a bug with a few settings not begin properly set in the config file :
lib_dir = '' livestatus_unix_socket = '' livebackendsdir = '' check_mk_automation = 'sudo -u root /app/bin/check_mk --automation'
It has to be manually set :
lib_dir = '/app/dist/check_mk/lib' livestatus_unix_socket = '/var/spool/icinga/rw/live' livebackendsdir = '/app/dist/check_mk/share/livestatus' check_mk_automation = '/usr/local/bin/sudo -u root /app/bin/check_mk --automation'
It is available in the ports, but you'd rather use the same version as check_mk, from the website.
Download tar.gz file
tar xvzf mk-livestatus-1.2.4.tar.gz cd mk-livestatus-1.2.4 ./configure --prefix=/app/dist/mk-livestatus # or whatever path you prefer make make install
Enable broker module in nagios/icinga/… in /usr/local/etc/icinga/conf.d/livestatus.cfg file :
define module{ module_name mklivestatus path /app/dist/mk-livestatus/lib/mk-livestatus/livestatus.o module_type neb args /var/spool/icinga/rw/live livecheck=/usr/local/lib/mk-livestatus/livecheck num_livecheck_helpers=1 pnp_path=/var/spool/icinga/pnp/rrd/ }
Create directory :
mkdir -p /var/spool/icinga/rw chown icinga: /var/spool/icinga/rw
If network access to livestatus is needed:
Add in /etc/inetd.conf :
livestatus stream tcp nowait icinga /usr/libexec/tcpd /app/dist/mk-livestatus/bin/unixcat /var/spool/icingacheckmk/rw/live
Add in /etc/services :
livestatus 6557/tcp # checkmk livestatus